Director Eva Vila’s film Penèlope, a modern-day tale about a mother/son relationship, uses the trope of life as a journey. Like the mythical Odysseus, Ramón – the son of village dressmaker Carmen – returns to his home town after thirty years away.
The small dressmaker’s workshop seems to mirror the small community in which they live. Ramón fails to recognise his own mother at first, and looks at the world with detachment, feeling alienated. After his years of emigration, he no longer fits in with the community, while for Carmen, who has waited so many years for her son – like Penelope awaited Odysseus – the villagers are all close friends.
Eva Vila’s film interweaves the ever-relevant themes of travel, expectations, escaping one’s roots, then going back to them.
Fixafilm’s team of experts had the pleasure of doing the postproduction, mastering, conforming, colour correction and special effects for Penèlope.